
Best solutions to help the homeless

Homelessness is the ultimate form of social exclusion, which is unfortunately increasingly present in the world. No one should be homeless and no one should be discriminated against because they have no home, so measures need to be taken to combat homelessness. Serious work is needed to address the problem of homelessness and to restore human rights to those who are lost hope.

Caring for the elderly

We will all grow old one day. Older people are often socially excluded, struggle with a certain degree of disability or have difficulty moving, and are often faced with poverty. It is the duty of society to integrate older people into the community, improve their quality of life and enable them to live a dignified […]

This Little Light of Mine

This Little Light of Mine project is a Bible learning project. The project seeks to bring together young people in faith and truth. There is only one God, and we are all one, regardless of man’s faith. We must understand that beauty is defined by differentiation and acceptance, not by competition. In any case, the only […]

Everyone has the right to education

Education is extremely important for the personal growth of each child. Everyone has the right to education. Without education, children lose the opportunity to realize their potential, get out of poverty and build a better future for themselves, their families and communities. Also, through education, children are taught to think critically and discover everything around […]

How to raise children for sustainable development

The goal of education for sustainable development is to educate children in the development of ideas, skills and knowledge about sustainable development in order to one day create a better world for their own and for future generations. Secondary objectives relate to the application and implementation of educational principles within the project adopted at the […]

“Aspire to make a difference” is a project that aims to encourage people to leave a mark for a better today, a better tomorrow.

Let everything you do be done in love.


Our guiding thought

The meaning of life is to find your gift that you have received from God. The purpose of life is to give it to the World.

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