Education in the Developing World

Poverty, a lack of safe school facilities, distance from schools, and discriminatory societal ideas are all hurdles to children’s education in many places around the world. These impediments are especially noticeable in various parts of Africa.
Madagascar, for example, is one of Africa’s poorest countries in need of support in preserving and enforcing children’s rights to education. Attendance is severely low, teachers lack the necessary training to effectively teach children, and climate change is producing an increase in natural catastrophes that destroy schools and children’s homes.

The course’s objectives of this workshop are to raise awareness among participants about the significance of investing in materials and human resources in order to provide children in developing nations with the same access to education as children in wealthy ones.


Association for Orthopedic Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia

  • 01 January, 2023
  • 09:00 am 06:00 am
  • Gustava Krkleca 29, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia


Orthoing a non-profit organisation