
This Little Light of Mine – Bible study classes

A beautiful study of the Bible

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How science can help address homelessness?

Homelessness is the most extreme type of social isolation and is becoming more common around the world.

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Together for the elderly

Older people are all around us, they are part of our family, they are our neighbors, and ...

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Providing support to children without adequate parental care

Children without adequate parental care are part of society, of every state, of every country.

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Empathy as the foundation of a healthy society

We need to create a world of empathy - a world where we care about ourselves and ...

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Support poor children

Millions of children around the world are hungry and in need of assistance to feed and clothe ...

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“Aspire to make a difference” is a project that aims to encourage people to leave a mark for a better today, a better tomorrow.

Let everything you do be done in love.


Our guiding thought

The meaning of life is to find your gift that you have received from God. The purpose of life is to give it to the World.

© Copyright 2023 by Aspire To Make a Difference